Regional Church of God Conv't
The regional Church of God convention will be held at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City on June 18-20, 2024
The regional Church of God convention will be held at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City on June 18-20, 2024
Every 2nd Saturday of each month, the men gather in the Fellowship Hall of the church for a Prayer Breakfast. Beginning at 8:00 am, they share a simple breakfast fellowship together followed by a devotional and prayer time. All men and boys are invited to attend.
Family Fest with Bill Gaither will be in Gatlinburg Friday May 24-26.
We have been invited to join in a Singspiration with our sister congregation in Rockvale, TN. Both choirs will be singing and there will be other specials and congregational hymn singing. There will be a time of fellowship to follow with refreshments.
Every 2nd Saturday of each month, the men gather in the Fellowship Hall of the church for a Prayer Breakfast. Beginning at 8:00 am, they share a simple breakfast fellowship together followed by a devotional and prayer time. All men and boys are invited to attend.
The 2024 graduating class of Harmony Hill Childcare Center will have their commencement ceremony Friday evening, May 3, 2024 in the church sanctuary. It will be followed by a reception downstairs in the fellowship hall.
“That Flute Guy" David Konstantopoulos, will be in concert on Sunday morning, April 16, 2023 at 10:30 am. He is a gifted musician and artist who serves the Lord through his worship ministry as an anointed flutist. A love offering will be received.
Every 2nd Saturday of each month, the men gather in the Fellowship Hall of the church for a Prayer Breakfast. Beginning at 8:00 am, they share a simple breakfast fellowship together followed by a devotional and prayer time. All men and boys are invited to attend.
We will gather for a special dinner & service of Foot-Washing and Communion on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at the church. We will sample and review the traditional Sedar meal and imagine the emotional and spiritual significance of what the disciples must have experienced. The service in a reflective and worshipful manner steps us back in remembrance of the night that our Lord shared the Last Supper with his 12 disciples and washed their feet. It recalls the passion of Christ for a Lost World and the Power of the Cross. Participants are encouraged to bring a towel from home for foot-washing.
Our Christmas Day Worship Celebration is our church worship time celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus! It is a “COME AS YOU ARE” time where you are invited to come dressed comfortably, yes even in your sweats or jammies (the kids always like that!) We will NOT be having Sunday School that day. We will gather at 10:00 a. m.
Our Annual Candlelight Communion Service is a brief but meaningful service focusing our attention squarely on the REAL meaning of the Season, the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. During the service we share together the scriptures which inform us about His miraculous advent. It is intended to be a time for families to gather and refocus their celebration on Jesus. Many say this is one of their favorite services of the year.
Our Church Christmas Party is a fun and festive event for everyone of all ages. We will gather at 5:00 pm and ask that everyone bring their favorite party foods, snacks, and desserts. There will be singing and lots of fun for all.
We will be going Christmas Caroling to our church family who are shut-In. We will leave from the church following an early choir practice to go caroling. If you have suggestions as to persons who might benefit from a little Christmas cheer, contact Pastor Don or Randy Neely. Those interested will grab a bite of dinner together following the singing.
Following the morning worship time, we will be gathering to decorate the Church for the Advent Season. We will share a Soup and Chili Lunch. The choir will practice at the end of this time of decoration.
Take time with your family to give thanks to the ONE from whom ALL blessings flow.
This being the week of Thanksgiving, we will not be having our regular Mid-week Prayer & Bible Study Time. We will resume the regular schedule the following week. Happy Thanksgiving!
Our church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner will be held Sunday morning, November 13th, at noon following our morning worship time. The church will provide the turkey and everything else will be provided CARRY-IN style. Families are asked to bring vegetables, desserts, drinks, whatever else will make a delicious dinner.
P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) 2.0 - This is a campaign to pray for the needs of our families, our church, our nation and our world for the week of Nov. 7- 13. Pastor Don is asking each individual to pray 3 times each day for the needs that God has laid upon your heart.. He is suggesting a morning time prayer (perhaps at breakfast), a Mid-Day prayer time ( lunch), and an evening time of prayer (perhaps at dinner or before you go to bed). If each time you were to pray 5-15 minutes, imagine how many mountains would be moved by the effectual, fervent prayers of the saints.
Remember to set your clocks back Saturday night. You can enjoy an extra hour of sleep, then come well rested to Sunday School at 9:30 am and Morning Worship at 10:30 am
Join us for a Family Fun Night Friday, May 6th at 6:30 pm. We will be watching the Christian movie, “The Case For Christ”, the true story of Lee Stobell's personal journey to faith in Christ. We will serve pizza and pop corn. Bring your favorite dessert and beverage.